API – Transaction statuses
BusyXChain is built on the Hyperledger Fabric framework so transaction statuses are tethered with the core functions. These statuses are handled on the Explorer to show the status of the particular transaction.
There are a total of three statuses so far:
- Success – The transaction is successful and properly confirmed.
- Failed: MVCC – The transaction is refused. The full name of the error is “MVCC_READ_CONFLICT”. In simple words, it means that there was a collision between two transactions. Some transactions are protected that only one of a type can be in the same block. In this case, the transaction has to be done again.
- Failed: PRC – The transaction is refused. The full name of the error is “PHANTOM_READ_CONFLICT”. In simple words, it means that there was a collision between transactions and blockchain execution. On BusyXChain happens very rarely, mostly during burning the same NFT/GAME token multiple times via burnBatch. In this case, the first token bypass, but the second one would change the blockchain execution as the previous token has already changed the state. In this case, the transaction has to be done again without burning the same token in the same call.